Episode 116: The Dorito Pope Rises

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The holidays are coming up quick, and this season has been packed with surprises and announcements. Also, the Dorito Pope has returned once again. It’s The Game Awards 2018 discussion time on Super Gamecast 64 Episode 116! On this pre-Christmas episode, Matt and Kevin sit down to discuss the latest games and news. We discuss the new leaks concerning the next generation Xbox and Playstation, the giant mess of Fallout 76, The Game Awards 2018, and more. We also talk about the latest game releases, including: Pokemon Let’s Go, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, and Floor Kids. There are plenty of laughs and topical giggle-inducers on this episode, so sit back and enjoy Episode 116!



Show Notes:

Welcome to another excellent episode of Super Gamecast 64! On this pre-holiday episode, Matt and Kevin sit down to discuss the latest stuff in gaming. We discuss things like the rumored next gen consoles, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, The Game Awards 2018, and more! Don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes, so the Review Robot 2K123000 can read it on the show!

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I’m a lifelong gamer and an overall media junkie. I also watch an unhealthy amount of movies and try to spread as much love into the world as I can. Hope you enjoyed the content!

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